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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Rome : Total War - Barbarian Invasion

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Game Name : Rome : Total War - Barbarian Invasion
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-03-13 04:05:41
Views : 18625

Cheat mode
Press ~ during game play to display the console window.
gamestop or bestbuy10% cheaper units in campaign mode
oliphaunt40% bigger elephants in campaign mode
test_ancillary_localisationAdd all ancillary to the character info display
add_population <city name> <number>Add population to indicated city
adjust_sea_bed <value>Adjust sea bed to specified height
filter_coastlinesApply filter to world map coastlines
auto_win <attacker|defender>Attacker or defender automatically wins next auto resolved battle.
capture_settlement <city name>Capture indicated city
give_trait "<character name>" "Girls"1Casual Adulterer family trait
season <summer|winter>Change season
date <year>Changes date
clear_messagesClear all stacked messages
process_cq <city name>Complete all building in construction queue; can only be used once
process_rq <city name>Complete all military units in recruitment queue; can only be used once
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodAttacker"1Confident Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodCommander"1Confident Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodDefender"1Confident in Defence family trait
create_building <value>Create building of the specified type in a settlement
diplomacy_missionCreate diplomacy mission
event <value>create event at position
create_unit <settlement or character> <unit ID> <amount> <exp or armor or weapon>Creates a unit in the selected settlement or characters army with the stats you input
damage_wall <none|gate|breach>Damage wall of settlement
disable_aiDisable AI
show_battle_circle <value>Display a circle at x, y of r radius for t seconds
show_battle_marker <value>Display a marker at x, y for t seconds
show_terrain_linesDisplay defensive terrain features
<command> ?Display help for desired command
toggle_game_update <mt|toggle|reload|int>Fire
reset_displayForce display reset cycle
force_battle_defeatForce local player's alliance to lose the battle
force_battle_victoryForce local player's alliance to win the battle
force_diplomacy <accept|decline|off>Force opponent to accept diplomatic proposal
give_trait "<character name>" "Feck"2Foul Mouthed family trait
invulnerable_general <character>General invincibile in combat
give_ancillary <character> <ancillary>Give character an ancillary
give_trait_pointsGive character points for trait
give_trait <character> <trait> <number>Give character the trait at indicated level
give_trait_points <character> <trait> <number>Give points for indicated character's trait
mp <value>Give the character movement points
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodAttacker"2Good Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodCommander"2Good Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodDefender"2Good Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodAttacker"4Great Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodCommander"4Great Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodDefender"4Great Defender family trait
halt_ai <value>Halts turn sequence just before the start of the specified faction's turn, or the current faction if no faction given
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodAttacker"5Heroic Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodDefender"5Heroic Defender family trait
burn_piggies_burnIgnite all piggy winks
add_money 20000Increase money by 20,000
give_trait "<character name>" "Feck"4Irredeemably Foul Mouthed family trait
kill_character <character>Kill indicated character
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodCommander"5Legendary Commander family trait
list_ancillariesList all available ancillaries
list_charactersList all characters in the world or those belonging to a faction
list_unitsList all units in an army
list_traitsLists all traits
move_character <name> <x,y>Move indicated character to desired coordinates
test_victory_scrollOpen victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victor
output_unit_positions <filename>Output positions of all units in the battle to the specified file
regenerate_radarRegenerate radar
reload_texturesReload all textures
reload_shadersReload all vertex shaders
give_trait "<character name>" "Arse"-3Remove Aggressively Perverse family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Arse"-2Remove Catamite family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"-3Remove Drunkard family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"-4Remove Drunken Lout family trait
kill_faction <value>Remove faction from the game
give_trait "<character name>" "Arse"-4Remove Grotesquely Perverse family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadAttacker"-2Remove Incompetent Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadCommander"-2Remove Incompetent Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadDefender"-2Remove Incompetent Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadAttacker"-1Remove Indifferent Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadCommander"-1Remove Indifferent Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadDefender"-1Remove Indifferent Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"-2Remove Likes a Drink family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Arse"-1Remove Minion family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"-6Remove Paralytic family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadAttacker"-4Remove Pathetic Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadCommander"-4Remove Pathetic Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadDefender"-4Remove Pathetic Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadAttacker"-3Remove Poor Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadCommander" -3Remove Poor Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "BadDefender"-3Remove Poor Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"-5Remove Sot family trait
character_resetReset character to start of turn settings
run_aiRestarts an AI turn sequence
amdb_max <value>Set aerial map overlay depth bias for maximum zoom
amdb_min <value>Set aerial map overlay depth bias for minimum zoom
amdb_offset <value>Set aerial map overlay offset towards camera
set_ranking_interval <value>Set denominator of the faction ranking graph interval (calculated as number_of_turns divided by denominator); if 0, then denominator will be set to number_of_turns for an interval of 1
diplomatic_stance <value>Set diplomatic stance between the two factions
set_building_health <value>Set health of building of the specified type in a settlement
ai_turn_speed <value>Set maximum speed of turn processing during AI round
show_battle_pathsShow all valid processed paths in pathfinder
show_battle_paths_for_unit <value>Show all valid processed paths in pathfinder for specific unit given a unit ID
show_cursorstatShow cursor position and region ID
show_landingsShow landing positions available to the AI from a given region; default hides them
show_battle_street_planShow the street plan for the settlement
victoryShow victory message for faction for short or long campaign
give_trait "<character name>" "Drink"1Social Drinker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Feck"1Strong Language family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodAttacker"3Superior Attacker family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodCommander"3Superior Commander family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "GoodDefender"3Superior Defender family trait
give_trait "<character name>" "Feck"3Swears Like a Trooper family trait
control <value>Switch player control to specified faction; old faction may not act correctly as AI faction
test_messageTest the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txt
building_debugToggle building debug mode
toggle_restrictcamToggle camera restrictions
toggle_flowing_waterToggle display of campaign map flowing water
nw_statsToggle display of network stats
perf_timesToggle display of simple performance times of game update vs. display
toggle_perfect_spyToggle everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite range
toggle_fowToggle fog of war
message_collation_setToggle message collation (sets all factions)
toggle_overlayToggle overlay
toggle_prToggle pr mode
show_all_messagesToggle show all messages to all factions
toggle_coastlinesToggle strategy map coastline display
toggle_towToggle tabbed output window display
toggle_terrainToggle the terrain to display various data sets; no parameter resets to normal
toggle_underlayToggle underlay
trigger_adviceTrigger advice
upgrade_effectTrigger unit upgrade effect
jerichoWalls fall down in siege in battle map mode
zoom <value>Zoom to specified aerial map zoom

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